SELAVIP is a private foundation created by Father Josse van Rest (S.J.) that supports housing projects for very poor urban families in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Our focus is on “extreme social emergency” faced by urban groups dwelling in precarious and unsafe conditions and places, or exposed to evictions. SELAVIP wants to open realistic alternatives for those who do not “fit” into any existing housing programs, public or private. Our call is open to a wide range of proposals that, on one hand, can deal with different aspects of the complex reality of homelessness in developing regions, from housing production to promotion of community based processes to secure shelter and, on the other hand, address acute housing problems of the poorest of poor in cities of developing countries. Priority will be given to initiatives that help the poor access land and secure basic shelter rather than to those seeking to improve shelter that has already reached some physical or legal consolidation.

As a first and mandatory step in our application process, you will need to register (only once) your NGO. For this purpose, please click the button “CREATE YOUR ACCOUNT” on the right.

Phone number: 56-2-25409335

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